© 2021 RTLB Cluster 4 | Web Design by Micaela Bonnar
© 2021 RTLB Cluster 4 | Web Design by Micaela Bonnar
How We Work
Resource Teachers: Learning and Behaviour (RTLB) are funded to work together with teachers and schools to support the achievement of students in Years 1-10 with learning and/or behaviour difficulties. They have a particular focus on supporting Māori and Pasifika students and children and young people moving into state care. RTLB support and up-skill teachers to better meet the needs of students within an inclusive education system.
RTLB work in a cluster or team. The work of the team, and workload of RTLB, is managed by the cluster manager. RTLB support schools to meet the learning and behaviour challenges of students in the cluster. They do this through:
school policy development
working with kaiako/teachers to meet needs in the classroom
initiatives such as peer reading
supporting individual student needs, for example facilitating the generation of Individual Education Plans (IEP).
When working in kura/school or wharekura/secondary school settings, RTLB support the learning and behaviour needs of students through negotiation with a range of people. These may include:
the class kaiako/teacher
Special Education Needs Coordinators (SENCO)
He Pikorua
He Pikorua guides our practices so we can work together within the Learning Support Delivery Model to provide a coherent, evidence-based approach. He Pikorua in action provides a flexible approach for responding to the needs of mokopuna, whānau, educators, teams and communities, that supports the spiral of inquiry and continuous improvement.
To support kura / schools
Interventions and programmes help kura/schools to focus on realising student potential. The strategies RTLB use assist kaiako/teachers to develop classroom environments that better respond to the needs of students.
To meet needs of all learners for whom achievement is not being fully realised, RTLB:
respond to identified needs within a cluster
respond to the needs of individual students, groups of students, whole classes and kura/schools
build kaiako/teacher capability to support inclusive classrooms
have a strong interface with the Ministry of Education
collaborate with other agencies to benefit students
work with parents, families/whānau.
Provide effective systems and practices in kura / schools to:
accelerate the achievement of Māori and Pasifika
maintain an educational focus in inclusive classroom environments
enable kaiako/teachers to meet the needs of diverse learners
achieve positive, measurable outcomes for learners whose achievement is not being fully realised.
In-Class Support
Some students have additional learning needs and may be eligible to receive In-Class Support funding from the Ministry of Education. The Ministry have allocated this resource for 151 students across Cluster 4s 70 schools. In-Class Support funding, for identified students, provides 5 hours Teacher Aide funding per week to support student participation in classroom programmes. The cluster supports the Ministry by assisting in the identification of students for this support and supporting the Ministries moderation process.