© 2021 RTLB Cluster 4 | Web Design by Micaela Bonnar
© 2021 RTLB Cluster 4 | Web Design by Micaela Bonnar
About Us
Valuing Ako
Meeting the needs of learners

I am proud to be leading a team of skilled teaching practitioners who take a strength-based approach to improving outcomes for tamariki. We have a team of 33 RTLB who are able to work across our 70 schools in a variety of ways; Across schools with Ka Hui Ako, within schools at a systems level, with classroom teachers to build teacher capability or with teachers and whanau with individual students.
As the student population becomes more diverse we strive to use a Universal Design for Learning approach whereby best practices to optimize learning for all students is considered and supported. We strive to make a sustainable difference for our schools here on the North Shore of Auckland.
Cathy Pole
Cluster Manager
RTLB Cluster 4 are employed by the Board of Trustees of Beach Haven School. The Board of Trustees takes this role very seriously. In order to keep the Board informed about RTLB matters the Cluster Manager submits monthly reports and attends selected Board meetings throughout the year.
As the lead school principal I have fortnightly meetings with the cluster manager and the school's executive officer. The agenda is wide ranging and covers all aspects of RTLB matters.
RTLB provide a critically important service to our community. Independent surveys show the RTLB service is highly valued by our cluster schools which is a reflection of the dedicated work of our RTLBs. As with any successful organisation, we are always open to improvement. Hence, if you have any feedback, positive or otherwise, we want to hear from you.
Stephanie Thompson
Principal of Beach Haven School - Lead School

NewslettersTerm 4 2023 Term 3 2023 Term 2 2023 Term 1 2021 Term 4 2020 Term 3 2020 Term 2 2020
Useful LinksAssitive technology ​Bilingual Assessments (BAS) Behaviour services to help schools and students Intensive Wraparound Service (IWS) Ongoing Resourcing Scheme (ORS) PB4L - Positive Behaviour for Learning School High Health Needs Fund Special Assessment Conditions (SAC) Supporting children & young people with autism Support for children or students who are blind or have low vision Support for children who are deaf or hard of hearing Supporting students with speech, language & communication needs Teacher aide resource funding Working with parents to resolve problems about learning support
Coronavirus Support MaterialHe Ara Hauora: Ka Anga Whakamua Pathway towards wellbeing: Going forward A guide for Early Learning Centres and Schools: Recovering Well from Covid-19 Pandemic May 2020. Prepared by psychologists from Ministry of Education, Learning Support Auckland. Click here for guidance for returning: ​Toddlers and Young Children Primary School Intermediate School ​Secondary School Real-time Resilience Strategies We have entered challenging times requiring us all to consider how our thoughts and actions might help or hinder our own resilience and that of those around us. Click here for a very good article by Dr Lucy Hone and Dr Denise Quinlan with some very practical real-time strategies coping with Coronavirus. Click here for our webinar 'Real-time Resilience: Supporting Young People with Dr Emma Woodward and Dr Denise Quinlan' which offers advice on how to prepare children and young people for Level 4 self-isolation. "No Drama Llama" With ongoing uncertainity around COVID-19, and the moving between Alert Levels, some of our tamariki may be a little anxious. "No Drama Llama" is a wonderful social story written by Mel Churton (Registered Psychologist) called which may be helpful resource. Click here to download. Stay safe, from all of us here in Cluster 4.